Thursday, July 9, 2009



Cottage manufacturing presents abundant ways for multiple income streams creation for the netpreneur who has begun to do well in internet business. When you are not blogging or doing affiliate marketing runs, chances exist for the manufacture of exotic household items that can bring incomes in the six or seven figure bracket per annum.

There is the tendency for an internet business guru to while away time that would have been directed to the production of items needed in the home that can also be sold to make more money. For those of us that have found a lot of fun and excitement in cottage manufacturing of items like bar soap, liquid detergent, bleach, table wines, brandy, whisky, gin, baby jelly, nail varnish remover, color run stain remover, rust stain remover, exotic and high class perfumes,etc. the benefits of such a venture can not be under estimated.

Apart from the income one generates, expenditure for such daily needed items are deleted from the home management budget. Employment opportunities have been found to exist where the demand for the item produced is great. Most of these items form the main production streams of very large multi national blue chip companies the world over. Chances are that if your product is discovered to be of much better quality, your competitor may come forward, one day, with an offer to buy your line over. Hip! Good money can be made from this any time it shows up.

There is the added opportunity to sell these your products globally via the internet. And apart from the aforementioned goods, items like doors and windows, either metal, wooden, or aluminum tend to give themselves for cottage manufacturing. Agricultural produce like rice, peas/beans, corn, palm oil, vegetable oil, melon, crayfish, pepper, dried ginger, salt, sugar etc can be given attractive and fantastic packaging to make them items for supermarket shelves and one will create a lot of income for this little value added.

Product repackaging offers a lot of income generation opportunities. You can import tea from a foreign country and repackage it even right in your home if legislations in your country permit. Production of yam/cassava flour, corn flour and starch are possible. Even water for injection can also be produced at the cottage level.

If you have the interest to add cottage manufacturing as another stream of income to your existing business, I have reports ready-made for you to buy on request.

Your comments are welcome and will be appreciated.